Friday, July 17, 2015

How Can I Help?

My clients are in transition. Their families are disrupted, their finances may be in disarray, their children may be anxious. Usually, they are grieving the loss of a marriage and they are fearful about the future. They are on the way to someplace new, but often they cannot envision what "someplace new" looks like or how to get there.

So where do I come in? How can I help?

Common conceptions of attorneys are that they "defend" or even "fight for" their clients. But I don't see that as my role. Sometimes clients want attorneys to tell them what to do. That's not my role either. I will, of course, try to help you understand legal rights and obligations. More significantly, what I will do is this: guide you, one step at a time, to help you create and realize your vision of your future. What I hope is that by working with me, you gain a more hopeful outlook on what lies ahead for you. And I hope that things go so smoothly that you never need to call me again.